Dethatching Services / Cuyahoga County OH / Commercial & Residential

Thatch is a layer of un-decomposed plant material consisting of roots, stems and grass clippings that accumulate at the base of the grass blade. As the layer of thatch becomes more dense it prevents fertilizers, water, and air from reaching the root zone.

The best time of the year to dethatch a zoysia lawn is in spring or summer. Where as Bluegrass and Fescue lawns should be dethatched in the fall when, if necessary. We recommend yearly aerations to help prevent the need of dethatching.

Benefits of Dethatching:

  • Improved air and water circulation for healthier grass roots
  • Prevention of pest and disease issues by removing breeding grounds
  • Enhanced efficiency of fertilizer application for better nutrient absorption
  • Restored lushness and uniformity for a vibrant lawn appearance
  • Promotion of deeper root growth for increased resilience against stressors

JI LANDSCAPING is proud to provide....

Russell OH Aeration Services, Bainbridge OH Aeration Services, Chagrin Falls OH Aeration Services, Orange OH Aeration Services, Moreland Hills OH Aeration Services, Pepper Pike OH Aeration Services, Gates Mill OH Aeration Services, Solon OH Aeration Services, Twinsburg OH Aeration Services, Aeration Services for Cuyahoga County OH Home Owners

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